Camden Project
Sep 2016 - Jan 2017

Camden has one of the fastest growing ageing populations in London and there is an equally increasing need for Adult Social Care (ASC) services and budgeting. The purposes of this project, as commissioned by the Camden Council in partnership with UAL, are: promoting a sense of independence for ageing population, prevent, reduce, or delay the need for additional support and have a stronger focus on the role of families and local communities to support citizens. This project focused on the need for creating more opportunities for interest-based and social engagement within the community for the older population in Camden. In addition, we emphasise encouraging better community and family relations, which can prevent or delay the need to enter the system.

Desk research and observation record
Interviews users and attend focus group and more field work
analyze and Identify problems gaps and opportunities
create personas and more tools to understand user’s needs
create existing journey map and mapping problems and touchpoints
in depth interviews and visit more community center
Project scoping and create initial concept
Co-design with people and develop concept
Co-design with key stakeholder and prototype
Concept development